
A society that will be disrupted by a virus with a mortality rate of ~3% cannot be described as advanced, let alone just. The predilected sign of dire circumstances for our capitalist rulers, the plummeting of the financial markets, is a direct consequence of us, regular folks, stopping our consuming; a consequence of us losing our part time jobs and defaulting on our monthly bills and credits. Yet, all the measures for economic relief will be directed to the investors and capital owners, very little tied to that first link in the chain. The tale they are going to tell us, that available Fed money will impact little business via readily available credit, is not only a veiled menace of further debt, it will simply not benefit us. Remember the business structures of pre-2008, remember the amount of full time positions and long term contracts that simply stop existing. After 10 years of economic growth, did any of the business return to their pre 2008 structure? Our "economy" will survive, hour livelihood will have to wait.
Unfortunately, that's not even the most important aspect, as our capitalist rulers try to convince us. Real lives are starting to get lost and every system in America will not only be ill-prepared to properly handle the crisis, in all likelihood it will exacerbate it. The prime example of testing for the sickness we face--we literally don't know the spread of the disease since we don't test people for it--will only get worse as the markets try to pounce on the opportunity to make a buck. Once the federal test run out --if they even roll out-- companies will be in their desired position of charging whatever they want for a product with the ultimate demand. Can you imagine a less just society than the American to make these free market test available for those who need them?
Our social distancing, besides not being enforced in any way, it's being disregarded by entire populations of people with cases reported among them. Florida is the latest example on line, but today irresponsible government officials let 3 states run their primary elections. At the same time, poorly developed and thought-out measures for testing have produce big conglomerations of people. In the coming week, Illinois and Florida will join Washington, Seattle and New York as foci of the infection.
Once the virus hits the prison populations, there will not be means, nor probably the political will, to help folks incarcerated. They will be in a perverse reverse quarantine with no help form the State.
Of course, our health system is not only extremely expensive and relatively small, is also not prepared to attend a public health crisis. Proportionally, we have less resources than Italy and nobody think they have it under control. Even with our current measures, hospitals will be overrun, professionals overfatigued and in dangerous situations. Be ready to be denied assistance.
I'm not sure that even basic, cornerstone, implements of the American so called capitalist society will be able to keep up since for simple stuff as restocking of malls and transportation of goods, we have been using part time labor that will not be in the best shape, or even still hired, to performed their task. Our hope now is that Amazon will hire more people to fulfill our online shopping. This is the best example of what we have let capitalist do with America, a monopoly in charge of our staples.
I think this is the best time to regain the country we have been denied for so long. We should not support any bailout that does not include direct help for the working people of America. We should not condone any measure that doesn’t take into account the health and livelihood of working people of America. We should not let capitalist make the most of a bad situation for themselves again. This is not a labor for tomorrow, for when this is over, this is the time to take this country back.


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