The Natural Science according to the Tractatus: a view from the “Triumph” of Quantum Physics.

We take a look at quantum physics to explore Wittgenstein’s thought about natural science. The main aspects revised are the metaphor of the grid, his ideas about probability, isomorphism between reality and theories and his ideas about causality. [38 words]

6.44: Not how the world is is the mystical, but that it is.

A branch to some degree neglected of Wittgenstein’s first philosophy is his thought about the causal nexus, scientific laws and natural science in general. Although it is arguable, the Tractatus’ treatment of the topic is the most familiar to non-twenty century philosophical traditions and perhaps, because of it, the easiest to explore without having in mind much of the proposition’s theory of the first Ludwig.
Nevertheless, the lenience in the exploration of the issue gets return in the unique conclusions: from regular empirical postulates and suppositions, Wittgenstein manages to produce a concise philosophy of science that challenges common sense. The corpus of such is a dozen or fewer statements intertwined with some about the nature of “elemental propositions” and logical deduction. So the mixture, with the flavor of eighteen century epistemology, it is also composed by more Wittgenstein-like ideas. I propose to the reader a traveling around them on the back of one of the central polemics in particle physics of the mid twenty century: the EPR argument vs. the Bell test experiments. It is worth already to state that the discussion is solved in favor of the experiments and what is considered the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum physics. Hence, the contribution of the put together of these Wittgenstanian thoughts to the debate is the polishing of the considerations about reality that some physicist developed for the dispute; it is a philosophical endeavor, a work of elucidation using Wittgenstein.
Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen begun their famous paperi with some considerations about the nature of physical theories and their relation to “objective reality”; we will do the same. The reader will find, as a first part, an account of the main aspects of natural science according to our philosophical fellow, a large part“Uncertainty”and then two concise expositions: “EPR argument” and “the Bell Tests”. All of these will be accompanied by Wittgenstanian observations, clarifications and conclusions.

The total natural science
All true propositions make up natural science (4.11ii), but they are related in a particular way. Wittgenstein uses a couple of similes to expose the main concepts in his theory of natural science: the pointing at a black spot (4.063) and the covering by a net of a white spotted surface (6.341). Anyone can feel a resemblance between the two, so let us carry on with this intuition to explore the concepts: Truth and System.
In order to describe a pencil drawing we can, as kids do to copy itiii, trace a fine grid over it and say what square of the grid is black and which is white. Of course, in order to do so, we need to use words as “white”, “black”, “square”, etc., in a proper way; we are obligated to know what a “black square” is in the case. Regular English speakers will not have any problem complying with such instructions because they understand the conditions a square has to present to be called black or white, but in more complicated situations the simile acquires its illustrative shine. At this stage, the drawing represents observable reality, and our grid, a regular way to produce interlocked propositions. A deductive system, with axioms and rules to produce theorems, could play that roleiv. In fact it does, only if we aloud mathematical rules to transform the axioms. Let me establish that the saying about the blackness of each square represents the use of such axioms and theorems. Then, if this is so, to what is equivalent in real life our knowledge of what is to be a “black square”? Do we have to know in advance how thing should look like when described by a new theory?
Although we do not think our every day reality, for example, in terms of classical physics, we know that such and such must be the case if classical physics describes physical reality correctly. When we predict an observation or set an experiment to prove some theoretical statement, we are establishing the conditions “the black square” has to present in order to be called that way. If elucidations of the correct way to use such expressions are a way to grant them meaningv, then such experiments are a way to grant meaning to theories. We could say then if they are true or not, if things behave like they say or not. We will see that David Bohm and John Bell had to work into a more “testable” version of the original EPR argument even when it was clear enough. They needed to specify how things should look like if the grid of quantum mechanics could be used to describe physical reality. Their contributions were in fact more important because depending on the result of the experiments they inspired, quantum mechanics could prove itself as a more accurate way to describe reality.
The grid represents the systems of propositions used to describe facts but a very important feature of such grid is missing in the latest accounts. Its shape is arbitrary in the sense that any shape, triangular, hexagonal, etc., could serve to the purpose of depicting the drawing. What the system of quantum-mechanical propositions accomplishes, if correct, is a simpler but more accurate description of reality, in particular, of sub-atomic particle behavior. The fact that we could depict them with such system is not really the important thing, since any mesh of any shape could; what is important is that the behavior of such particles can be completely depicted with the desired level of detail in a uniform way by such system.

Most popular accounts of quantum mechanics give the leading part in it to Heisenberg relations of uncertainty. Einstein had his share of guilt in such popularity for he constantly searched ways to avoid the principle of uncertainty derived from such relations. The principle mainly says that: “It is impossible to know both the exact position and exact momentum of an object at the same time.”vi We can describe the position of a particle in space by giving its three spatial coordinates and the momentum of such—its tendency to keep moving in a particular direction—, by calculating the product of its velocity and mass. Such descriptions can be random if we give any values to the magnitudes required: we can describe whatever particlevii. But what we really want is the momentum and position of this or that particle. We must measure the magnitudes in order to know the real position and momentum. In classical physics there are no problems in doing so.
Our every day theory of regular size objects portraits them as cohesive conglomerates of smaller particles. These too should have the same properties as the things they composed; they ought to be solid chunks of matter. Classical physics expected the same, so the early portrays of the smallest pieces of matter presented them as tiny spheres. But by the 1930s this was not the case. Louis de Broglie realized that one of the most important models of atomic structure—the Bohr model—could be explained if electrons where more wave-like. In the original model, electrons surrounded the positive atom nucleus in a very strange way. Unlike regular size materials they did not move in a continuous manner, meaning that they jumped from place to place without any intermediate steps. Also, only certain orbits where permitted for electrons to surround the nucleus. This “quantized” behavior suggested to de Broglie the idea of periodicity. The appearance of an electron in the first orbital could be seeing as the crest of a wave of matter that, according to the metaphor, should reappear at the wavelength in the next orbital.viii In the other hand, de Broglie’s mathematical development of the wave nature of the electron resembles a previous work done by Einstein; the descriptions of the electrons wavelength have the same form as the photons—a light particle—wavelength. So de Broglie produced the symmetrical complement of light theory: as light sometimes—an electromagnetic wave—behaves as a particle, also electrons behave as waves. But: “In water waves, the quantity that varies periodically is the height of the water surface. In sound waves, it is pressure. In light waves, electric and magnetic field vary. What is it that varies in the case of matter waves?”ix The answer is probability.
Probability can be thought at least in two ways. The first, held for example by Wittgenstein, portrays probability as a manner to approximate descriptions to their most accurate form without knowing all the aspects of a fact. A description bears certainty when things occur as portrayed by it. The probability statement does not assert the existence or nor existence of a fact. It asserts the likelihood of happening that a fact gives to another. This likelihood depends on the logical form of the statement, v. g., a conditional: if this is the case, then (is probably that) this should be too. Probability can be shown by simply calculating the truth tables of the statementsx. But something has to be missing here if we are using logical properties of statements not to obtain certainty. In a pragmatist view, probability works because, independently of our ignorance of finicky situations, we can predict with a very desirable rate of success the occurrence or non occurrence of a fact. It is important to stress that probability should be desirable in order for us to use it because, as Einstein immortalized this view, is just a measure of our ignorancexi.
The other view was explicitly developed for quantum phenomena so let us continue where we left. A wave of matter has a length and amplitude. De Broglie’s work calculated the first, but other wave function was needed to calculate its amplitude. In general we use trigonometric functions of the wave’s velocity, angular frequency and wave number to calculate it, but that method implies that we are talking about infinitely long uniform waves. Electrons perhaps are not spheres but their certainly are not infinitely long strings of matter, so in order to describe the wave associated with a moving electron we need to see it as a wave group. A very common example of wave groups are what in sound engineering is called beats.xii When sound waves of different length but identical amplitude superpose, their crest and troughs interfere, canceling each other when contraries coincide and amplifying when else. The result of the latter is the sound pitch produced at regular intervals –the beat. A wave related to a moving electron is a superimposition of infinite different waves with similar amplitudes but different lengths and velocities. This is the reason of quantum uncertainty. The lengths of the different waves cannot vary absolutely if the wave group is to exist. They have to approximate to the length of one arbitrarily-chosen main wave. The more they do the more chances the amplitude of them will amplify the “beat” of the wave group.
The relation with momentum and position was inspired by Einstein. Once the complete wave function was developedxiii, Max Born use it to interpret the amplitude of a wave group as Albert the amplitude of his waves of light: as a square rout of the probability of finding a photon. If we want to see the electron as a particle we will probably found it experimentally in the region where the wave amplitude of a wave group is most sharp. It is just probable to find the electron there because wave groups are beats. Although composed by a large crest, the other superposing waves produce little other crests around the beat, so wherever the amplitude is not equal to zero, the particle could be found.
The wavelength of a wave of matter is equal to the Planck constant—the basic unit of quantization—divided by the particle’s momentum. If we do not know the later we need to measure the wavelength experimentally, then the momentum will be the Planck constant divided by the wavelength. If we want to know the momentum of the particle associated with a wave group, we need to know its length, but since wave groups are beats, they do not have a sharply defined length. If we want this to be, we can “construct” a wave group with waves that have increasingly different wavelengths. We can then establish the length of the wave group, but the picks of the beats will shorten, distributing the probability of finding the particle over the more equal wave amplitudes. Since a wave is made of length and amplitude, we cannot have a wave group with both sharply defined amplitude and length. We cannot know both the particle’s position and momentum at the same time for, if electrons are waves, the sharply defined momentum and position do not exist.

EPR argument
The EPR argument can be seen as a much elaborated way to avoid the uncertainty principle. Einstein’s main motivation was that the wavy nature of electrons is provided by probability in the sense that our representation of the probability of finding the particle and knowing its momentum can take the form of a wave; but this was just a way of depicting our chances for discovery. An electron was a punctual thing that had a position and a momentum, for, if this were not the case, waves of what composed the electron?
The argument runs in this way: The supposition that the Ψ function of a quantum state contains a complete description of the physical reality of the state, leads us to a contradiction. “At first sigh this assumption is entirely reasonable, for the information obtainable from a wave function seems to correspond exactly to what can be measured without altering the state of the system.”xiv But when we see the behavior of a pair of particles (a particle and its “coordinate”), the psi function gives us precise values for things that shouldn’t be known—a violation of the principle of uncertainty. This values where important for Einstein and company for “[i]f, without in any way disturbing a system, we can predict with certainty (I.E., with probability equal to unity) the value of a physical quantity, then there exists an element of physical reality corresponding to this physical quantity.”xv Einstein and company believed that a complete theory should behave like this: “every element of the physical reality must have a counter part in the physical theory”.xvi They subscribed themselves to a form of Wittgenstein’s pictorial theory of the proposition: we make ourselves pictures of the facts by representing every element of reality with an element in our pictures, plus a way in which they are combinedxvii. The interesting part of this relationship is that Wittgensteinan theory of isomorphic propositions, and hence theories, is not violated while EPR argument fails. That is to say: quantum mechanics is complete even when violating Einstein and company expectations.
The properties of a quantum state that fulfills the EPR conditions for completeness and reality are those quantizedxviii. This is not terribly important unless we consider that identical systems should bear the same quantized value for measurements if all are in the same state described by the pertinent wave function.
The EPR property that does not fulfils the conditions for completeness and reality is the momentum of the coordinate of a particle. The momentum for the particle, not his coordinate, is quantized in the sense we want, so it has “physical reality”. Its coordinate momentum does not have the same quantized value; we can only use probability predictions to know it. As it turns out all possible values are equally probable. If we perform a measurement, the original wave function that we were using to calculate if the properties were quantized will change as a result. So there is no way to know the coordinate value.
We have seen a similar preclusion of knowledge before. The relation between the momentum of a particle and his coordinate could be represented by operators that do not commute (AB≠BA), so the position and the momentum, so all the other uncertainty relations. Things come for Einstein and company to the point of saying that either the two properties denoted by A and B do not have simultaneous reality or quantum mechanics is incomplete. For, if this is not the case, we can construct a system of particles that has exact values for two noncommuting operators.xix

The Bell Test
The complete development of the later part of the EPR argument consist in the construction of a wave function that describes the relation between two particles. This function aloud us to perform a measurement of a quality A of the first particle to which a wave function φ with some value x of the other particle corresponds. The same function says that if we perform another measurement B of a quality of the first particle, then a wave function υ with some value y should come out. The interesting thing is that the first measurement can be performed while the particles are interacting and the second when they are not. A and B were proven to be noncommuting operators in the original paper. Quantities x and y could be measured without interfering with the system and with absolute precision.
John Bell developed a regular form to account the sort of quantities required by the EPR argument to work: the values for all properties of very well-defined quantum states and the exact speed of its effects. If an alternative theory of quantum mechanics could be right, then Bell’s expectations—the sort of interactions that will come out if all the properties in the known quantum states have exact values—should happened. But if this was the case, a lot of phenomena that can be predicted with quantum mechanics will not be by the alternative theory. Although he did not know the exact configuration of the Einstein’s alternative theory, he knew something of its form.
Of course in order to know what alternative was right, we should perform experiments. If the Bell expectations—called Bells inequities—happened, then for example, we could know the y value of the particle coordinate based on the mathematical predictions. If Bells inequities were violated, then we will not know the value of y in advanced but only until measured. We need to know experimentally that number in either case to see who was right anyway, but quantum mechanics predicted just a probability of getting things right where the other theories should bear the same result over and over again. The most convincing Bell Test for Inequalities Experiment was performed by A. Aspect in 1982 at Orsay, Paris. A couple of particles—in the case photons—were interacting for a while and then dispersed on contrary directions. The first particle polarization was measured and then the other’s via a polarization changer. If the measurement provides us with information about the others particle polarization, then both particles should outcome with the same polarization. The experiment proved that the outcome for the other particle’s polarizations obeys not an exact relation but just a probabilistic one even when the polarization devices were displayed after the particles dispersed. The probabilistic rate was the one predicted by quantum mechanics: particles are made of waves of probability.

Conclusion: Causality and Description.
A way to see the counter-intuitive results of the Bell tests is imagining the first particle sharing its momentum information with the other to change it and avoid getting the same result. The experiment is design in a way that the speed of such information exchange should be faster than the light’s. Any physical process propagates its effects at a lower speed so something else should be happening. Einstein and company believed that such process was violating causality laws. How the coordinate does know the particle momentum? But “causality laws” are the laws of natural science. There is no such thing as a law of causality that describes the general features of causal processes; we know that something has to be in order for other thing to be tooxx. This empty statement is the form of natural laws but is not violated by the predictions of quantum mechanics. The later says what a state the particle has to have in order for the coordinate to be undetermined. The coordinate properties are in a wave state, they do not have sharply defined values but not because we do not know them, but simply because waves do not have them. Einstein and company expected that the coordinate was as much particle as the particle itself, but not always our predictions are correct. We estimated that the finer grid we could create will give us a precise account of particles behavior; it does give us a precise account and much more of the world is said by a correct description that contradicts our expectations.

-Wittgenstein L., (1922), Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, Routledge & Kegan Paul, Tr. C. K. Odgen.
-Einstein, A. & Podolsky, B. & Rosen, N. (1935) “Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Reality Be Considered Complete? Physical Review, 47, 777-780.
-Beisler A., (2003), Concepts of modern physics, New York, McGraw-Hill.

i Cf. Einstein, A. & Podolsky, B. & Rosen, N. (1935) “Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Reality Be Considered Complete? Physical Review, 47, 777-780.
ii The numbers of course are those of Wittgenstein’s numeration of the Tractatus propositions. I use the infamous Ogden translation for quoting.
iii The copying of the drawing done by the kids also is a way to describe it, but the grid here is only a tool to improve a different kind of mechanism for description, namely, copying. In Wittgenstein image that method is replaced by recording the color of squares.
iv An axiom is a statement established true without prove and a theorem is a statement derived from axioms by logical transformations. Ordinarily, deductive systems do not change, via the transformations, the amount of information put in the axioms; it is very likely that physics seems as an ever growing system because is not completely formalized, i. e., it has not being put into a deductive system form.
v 4.063 “I must have determined under what conditions I call "p" true, and thereby I determine the sense of the proposition.”
vi Beisler A., (2003), Concepts of modern physics, New York, McGraw-Hill, pp. 108
vii 6.3432: We must not forget that the description of the world by mechanics is always quite general. There is, for example, never any mention of particular material points in it, but always only of some points or other.
viii Things actually turn out to be more complex than that but de Broglie hypothesis can work to calculate the electron orbital circumference in Bohr’s model: 2πr=nλ. The circumference is equal to a multiple of the electrons wavelength (λ).
ix Beisler A. 2003: 95.
x Let “Heads!” be p and “Tails!” be q, then the probability of wining the coin toss is ½:

pq(p or q) & not (p &q)VV VFFVFV VVVFVF VVVFFF FFVF
xi Cf.: 5.1-5.156
xii In this exposition I follow Beisler A. (2003) “Wave properties of particles”, IN Concepts of modern physics, New York, McGraw-Hill
xiii The famous Schrödinger’s wave function Ψ can give us more information than just the amplitude of the electron’s wave: linear momentum, angular momentum and energy of the electron. Ψ can be considered the general formula for wave displacement but due to its mathematical structure is often consider as physically meaningless.
xiv Einstein, A. et al. 1935: 778.
xv Einstein, A. et al. 1935: 777.
xvi Ibid.
xvii Cf. 2
xviii This means that a measurement of a physical property G could only take the values Gn. This is the case only if the wave functions of the system be such that the G operator transformations over a wave function n will be equal to the product of the value Gn and the wave function n. Cf. Beisler A. (2003) “Quantum mechanics”, IN Concepts of modern physics, New York, McGraw-Hill
xix Cf. Einstein, A. & Podolsky, B. & Rosen, N. (1935) No. 2, IN “Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Reality Be Considered Complete? Physical Review, 47, 777-780.

xx Cf. 6.3-6.361


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